1. Background
This Pollution Incident Response information has been extracted from the Coregas Emergency Plan for the Coregas facility located at 66 Loftus Road, Yennora, NSW 2161.
The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) NSW License number for the facility is 12259. The Activities to which the EPA License applies to are Chemical Production and Chemical Storage.
The information has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Regulation 2012, Chapter 7 Part 3A. The objective of the information is to also ensure comprehensive and timely communication about a pollution incident to people outside the facility who may be affected by the impact of the pollution incident, EPA NSW and other relevant Authorities, and personnel within the facility.
2. Activities at the Facility
Activities at the facility include storage and processing of inert, oxidising, flammable and toxic gases. Examples of incidents which will require Emergency Services and/or external Authorities to attend to, and with the potential to affect neighbouring properties include:
- Release of flammable gases resulting in a fire or explosion if ignited;
- Release of inert gases resulting in damage of property;
- Release of oxidising gases resulting in ignition;
- Release of toxic gases causing harm to people and the environment;
- Loss of containment of cryogenic liquids causing harm to people; or
- Flammable liquid leaks or spills causing harm to people and the environment.
3. Minimising of pollution
If a pollution incident occurs, all necessary action by onsite personnel will be taken to minimise the size and any adverse effects of the release, if safe to do so. This includes suitably trained personnel mitigating the incident by containing a spill or leak in consultation with Safety Data Sheets (SDSs). If deemed required, the immediate area is shut down, onsite personnel will be evacuated, and Emergency Services will be contacted to assist in controlling the incident. External Authorities and neighbouring properties will be notified, where required.
4. Immediate Action and Contact Details
The following authorities will be contacted, where applicable to the specific pollution incident, should one occur at the facility that has the potential to cause or threaten material harm to the environment.
- Emergency Services (Police, Fire and Rescue NSW, Ambulance): 000
- EPA Pollution Reporting: 131 555
- SafeWork NSW: 13 10 50
- Cumberland Council: (02) 8757 9000
Neighbouring properties potentially affected by the pollution incident will also be contacted by phone or in person.