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Please complete the enquiry form below or contact us direct using the details below
Please complete the enquiry form below or contact us direct using the details below
1800 807 203 (toll free)
Our friendly team are available Monday-Friday 7:30 am - 5:00 pm AEST
Please use the enquiry form below
Street address: 66 Loftus Road, Yennora NSW 2161
Postal address: PO Box 51, Villawood NSW 2163
This number is to be used for emergencies only such as assistance with on-site emergencies with Coregas products, spills or transportation emergencies. For all other enquiries please refer to customer services number above.
For Australia, call 1300 607 577 (24 hours)
For New Zealand, call 0508 COREGAS (0508 267 342)
Note: Enquiries may take up to 24 hours. For urgent orders, call 1800 807 203 (toll free). For after-hours emergencies, contact the number above (fees may apply).